Our real estate asset management service aims to maximise the return on asset transformation processes, from their inclusion on the balance sheet to their sale, including the management of tasks deriving from the possession of properties with a view to reducing risks and avoiding any loss of value.
We have a very broad client base, from large financial institutions to investment funds and private investors.
We help our clients to optimise the conversion of REOs in order to invigorate them when they are put on the market, give visibility to the product on the market and maximise the value of the portfolio through asset management strategies.
We have national cover and an extensive professional network of lawyers, experts, asset managers and local administrative staff.
We offer a broad range of services, adapted to the needs of our clients and covering the entire real estate asset management process: technical and legal restructuring, physical overhauling, property management, administration services and planning management.
Legal restructuring
Technical restructuring
Adjustments and building work
Security and surveillance
Management of owners' associations, taxes and supplies
Visibility of the product on the market through different platforms and commercial networks
Pricing and valuations
Management of leases
Planning management