5ª NPL Iberia Conference
Madrid, 29 November
A high level of an international meeting where it has been spoke about the situation and investment opportunities of the NPLs market in Spain, in a very different competitive environment, where profitability has been prioritized over portfolio volume.
It was highlighted the importance of the implementation of key aspects in the recovery process, such as a majority set by specialization, anticipation and technology.

14th National Credit Congress
Madrid, november 16th & 17th
The congress brought together the main players in the credit recovery of financial institutions.
There was consensus on the forecast increase in debt and the need for proactive management by banks. Faced with this challenge, the representatives of the sector made reference to the important support of specialised servicers such as Altamira doValue, capable of providing value to their clients with payment difficulties, not seen as debtors, but as clients to whom innovative restructuring models can be proposed that allow them to continue their business activity.
It was concluded that anticipation, the use of Artificial Intelligence and specialisation are key to successfully facing the new challenges of credit management in the current context.

Congress on Bankruptcy Reform
Madrid, octobre 25th
The congress on the Bankruptcy Law Reform brought together the highest-level professionals in the legal, business and banking fields. A day in which there was a consensus that there will be a greater volume of bankruptcy proceedings in 2023 under the current economic context and how the Reform that has entered into force encourages company restructuring processes. The great challenge is how to approach these processes in SMEs.
A Reform that gives the creditor greater power, which leads to greater responsibility in order to keep companies viable. The need to support SMEs in the face of possible problems generated by probable insolvency, with information and tools to analyze their situation. How the new one grants greater power of anticipation, more time to act and more tools to find solutions, thus making it easier to preserve the value of the company. And early detection systems for SMEs and the figure of the expert in business restructuring will be key to its resolution.

4th National Real Estate Servicing Congress
Madrid, 19th and 20th October
Once again this year we sponsored the 4th National Real Estate Servicing Congress, organised by CMS Group Europe. During the meeting, our CEO, Francesc Noguera, participated in the Top Management Panel, one of the most interesting tables of the day. Together with the leaders of the Spanish Top Servicing, the debate focused on the real estate sector as a safe haven for accumulated post-pandemic savings and on how, from their management position, they view the current macroeconomic context and future prospects.
We were also present at round table discussions on the challenges facing Real Estate in Spain, as well as the opportunities that exist for it in the short and medium term, with Marcos Beltrán, our Chief Real Estate Officer. And Pedro Valle-Domingues, Chief Growth Officer in the debate on the upturn in non-performing loans, securitisation of non-performing loans, movements in Secured NPL portfolios and management of a new type of debt.

4th National Real Estate Servicing Congress
Madrid, October 20th
Marcos Beltrán González, Chief Real Estate Officer of Altamira doValue, participated as a speaker on October 20 at the discussion table on 'Prospects, evolution and future vision of Real Estate in Spain'.

2º NPL days DD Talks
Madrid, 23 June
Pedro Valle-Domingues, Chief Growth Officer of Altamira doValue Group, will share a round table with the servicing market as the main topic: how the European Directive on servicers influences, what is the diligence in granular portfolios and issues to be taken into account.
Marcos Beltrán, Chief Real Estate Officer, will talk about the latest transactions in the REO market, sale and leaseback companies and the challenges in current valuations.

10º NPL Iberian Forum 2022
Lisboa, 31 de mayo
Pedro Valle-Domingues, Chief Growth Officer de Altamira doValue Group, y João Ribeiro, Real Estate Director de doValue Portugal, participarán en el encuentro 10º NPL Iberian Forum que tiene como objetivo reunir a los principales actores de la industria de NPL Servicing.

8º Legal Forum 2022
Madrid, 18 de mayo
Paloma Gómez Álvarez, Responsable de Recuperación Judicial Retail de Altamira doValue Group, participó en el encuentro 8º Legal Forum, organizado por CMS Group Europe, para compartir reflexiones sobre las novedades legislativas que afectan a la recuperación de deuda.
Intervino en el debate sobre los efectos de las moratorias en los préstamos hipotecarios y destacó el desafío al que nos enfrentamos ante el vencimiento de estas moratorias, que hasta la fecha han evitado o minorado que las ejecuciones hipotecarias se hayan desbordado a raíz de los incumplimientos originados por la COVID-19.

9º NPL Iberian Forum 2022
Madrid, 30 de marzo
Pedro Do Vale-Domingues, Chief Growth Officer, participó en el panel: “Futuro del mercado de servicing: Industrialización, cambio de estrategia y nuevo producto en un mercado en transición”.
Mariano Chemes, Chief NPL’s Officer, participó en el panel: “Evolución y expectativas en la venta de activos non-core de pymes”.

Sima Real Estate Exhibition 2021
Madrid, IFEMA, 26th – 28th November
The largest and most influential Real Estate event in Spain.

III National Congress of Real Estate Servicing
Madrid, 19-20 Octubre 2021
Altamira doValue CEO, Francesc Noguera, participated in the senior management panel “Top Servicing and Property Management” and Jon Egaña, Chief Business Officer, in the panel of “NPLs Secured in Spain”.